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What Functionality Does The Expansion Card A Add To My FMS?

Expansion card A adds:

  • 12 analog inputs, individually configurable through jumpers on the card as 4-20mA, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, or through the web interface as digital NO (normally open ONLY!)
  • 8 relay outputs

Can I Add An Expansion Card To My FMS?

Expansion cards can be added to an FMS at any time – if you order an FMS from the factory with expansion cards, the FMS will ship with the expansion cards installed.  If you have an FMS at your facility that has available unoccupied expansion cards slots, you can order just the cards and install them yourself.  Just follow the step-by-step instructions in the FMS User Guide.

  • A 1U FMS has room for one expansion card.
  • A 2U FMS has room for three expansion cards.
  • A 48V FMS accepts only ONE expansion card A, regardless if the unit is a 1U or 2U FMS.

EXP-A-24/48 Compatibility

  • 1U FMS accommodates 1 expansion card
  • 2U FMS accommodates up to 4 expansion cards
  • This card can be used with 24VDC or 48VDC FMS units.
  • 48V FMS can accept only 1 EXP-A-24/48 card.

EXP-A-24/48 Specifications

Analog Inputs: 12 analog inputs (jumper selectable for 4-20mA, 0-5VDC or 0-10VDC) or digital normally open dry contact inputs (normally open ONLY!; non-isolated, individual ground only)

Relay Outputs: 8 Form C relay outputs; 1A @ 24VDC, 0.5A resistive @ 120VAC

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